Thursday, May 29, 2008

Wandering about.............

Mr Doodles decided to wander about on our next door neighbor's farm that has a couple of bison as well as some beautiful horses.

I had my little point and shoot and I stumbled on this very old tree
that had fallen years ago


Deborah Eley De Bono said...

Like the neighborhood. Are Bison dangerous like bulls? Or mellow?

barb said...

danger, danger, danger HA!!! Yep more people are injured by bison than any other animal when visiting Yellowstone. That includes those big bears. There was one in the park that was eying Mr, when the bison started scratching the ground Mr ducked behind a tree.......while I'm laughing...he had the camera so I couldn't get the shot of the day. We are thinking that the big guy was the daddy to the baby we were taking pics of.